

“You begin with anatomy, and you end with anatomy, a knowledge of anatomy is all you want or need.”

- A.T. Still, philosophy of osteopathy

introduction to osteopathy

Osteopathy can be described as the study of association between anatomy and it’s function – it is based on the easily observed self-healing and self-regulating mechanisms of the body and the belief that health is always its desired expression. Without over-simplifying, or overwhelming, Osteopathy is a common sense approach to assessing and treating the body holistically – its goal is to get to the root cause of health related issues. Osteopathic Manual Practitioners base their practice on the principles of natural law and the belief that misalignment to the body’s anatomical structure can create dysfunction which often interferes with it’s function.

As a result, the detailed understanding of functional anatomy and the intimate knowledge of both normal and pathological physiology are of primary interest to the Osteopathic Manual Practitioner. Knowing how the body should be structured and how it works is imperative in determining dysfunctions that can occur within the body which, when corrected, will restore health. The body and how it functions is what is remarkable - the Osteopathically-minded Practitioner is simply there to apply their knowledge, rational thought process and a practiced hand when the body is incapable of making the correction itself. It is well worth noting that this is not limited to back or neck pain, which is a common misconception about osteopathic care. In almost every case, where it hurts or where a symptom occurs is rarely the issue. Osteopathy probes to understand the root cause of illness, it treats the cause and often, symptoms are naturally addressed thereafter.

can osteopathy help me?


what can osteopathy help with? who can receive osteopathic treatment?

… if you have ever been to see an osteopathic practitioner and have asked these questions, you are likely familiar with the answer: “well, it depends…” Essentially, most individuals can benefit from osteopathic treatment, but whether an injury or health concern can be helped by receiving osteopathic care is very much dependent on whether or not a mechanical dysfunction/ misalignment may be causal to, or a contributing factor to the concern. A detailed consultation and osteopathic assessment (and in some cases, some initial osteopathic treatment) will help to determine whether osteopathy can help you with your particular health concern(s). As osteopathic practitioners, we encounter many patients whose health concerns have not been addressed by conventional means and who benefit tremendously from osteopathic intervention. Osteopathy can help people of all ages & stages of life with many varying health concerns: newborns & infants > children > teens & adults > women experiencing pregnancy & post-partum > older adults & seniors > athletes & people experiencing acute injury


newborns & infants

The birthing process, while one of the most beautiful, meaningful and rewarding experiences of a person’s life, can also be quite traumatic for both the parents and newborn, particularly if the process is atypical or difficult in any way (ie. use of vacuum/ forceps, c-section, long/ short labour, pre-mature birth, etc.). Practitioners at the Osteo’s Path have been focusing on continuing education with specialization in paediatric care. Osteopathy may often help newborns & infants with a wide range of concerns including (but not limited to)…

more on osteopathy for newborns & infants >

  • latching/ feeding issues
  • tongue tie (shortened or attached frenulum)
  • reflux/ excessive spitting up
  • colic
  • chronic congestion
  • constipation/ diarrhea
  • difficult digestion
  • excessive gas production
  • torticollis
  • plagiocephaly (asymmetry of the head)
  • snoring
  • difficulty sleeping

*please note: osteopathy does not treat nor cure conditions or diseases, but can help to correct potential mechanical dysfunction/ misalignment that could be causal or contributive to certain conditions



As a child makes the transition from baby to toddler to childhood, there are many milestones and developmental stages that they will go through and of course, numerous opportunities for bumps and scrapes! While children are incredibly resilient, many of these occurrences can impact their health in unexpected but related ways. Osteopathy may often help children with a wide range of concerns including (but not limited to)…

more on osteopathy for children >

  • chronic/ recurring infections (eye, ear, tonsil, bronchial, lung, etc.)
  • ear tube prevention
  • chronic congestion
  • injuries (including those sustained during participation in sports & other activities)
  • growing pains
  • mechanical dysfunction related to reflux/ heart burn
  • constipation/ diarrhea
  • difficult digestion/ excessive gas production
  • developmental challenges
  • scoliotic patterns
  • difficulty sleeping

*please note: osteopathy does not treat nor cure conditions or diseases, but can help to correct potential mechanical dysfunction/ misalignment that could be causal or contributive to certain conditions


teens & adults

Between events like puberty, school, sports, work, and other stresses, teens & adults can encounter many challenges in life! With every stumble, injury, repetitive motion and postural strain, the body compensates and builds upon a spiral of adaptation. While the body’s ability to compensate is truly remarkable, there is variation with how well the body can continue to adapt over time, and often benefits from some external assistance to reorient itself so it can continue to function more optimally. Osteopathy can often help teens & adults with a wide range of concerns including (but not limited to)…

more on osteopathy for teens & adults >

  • recent or chronic injuries (and associated pain)
  • general & chronic body pain
  • sciatic pain/ sciatica, disc bulges/ herniations
  • sore joints & restricted range of motion
  • issues stemming from whiplash/ concussion
  • repetitive strain injuries & chronic postural patterns
  • mechanical dysfunction related to reflux/ heart burn
  • constipation/ diarrhea
  • difficult digestion/ excessive gas production
  • developmental challenges
  • scoliotic patterns
  • scar tissue fibrosity and related discomfort/ complications
  • difficulty sleeping & anxiety
  • TMJ & vertigo
  • sexual/ reproductive issues
  • pain due to ovulation and menstrual cycles
  • gradient pressure changes resulting in issues such as hernia (hiatal & otherwise), pelvic prolapse, blood pressure issues, hemorrhoids, etc.
  • chronic drainage & skin-related issues
  • breathing & sinus issues

*please note: osteopathy does not treat nor cure conditions or diseases, but can help to correct potential mechanical dysfunction/ misalignment that could be causal or contributive to certain conditions


pregnancy & post-partum

Pregnancy is an amazing example of what the human body is capable of - the body’s ability to create new life is nothing short of miraculous. This process comes with it’s own changes and challenges, and after the first trimester (this is a crucial time for baby’s development and a time of great change for the body of Mom-to-be, therefore it is typically recommended to temporarily refrain from manual therapy at this time), Osteopathy may be able to help expectant and new mothers with a wide range of concerns including (but not limited to)…

more on osteopathy for pregnancy & post-partum >

  • recent or chronic injuries (and associated pain)
  • lower back, hip & leg pain
  • sciatic pain
  • pubic symphysis dysfunction (SPD)
  • neck, shoulder & upper back pain
  • sore joints & restricted range of motion
  • ribcage pain, mechanical dysfunction and alignment (as baby grows larger in utero!) which can cause reflux, heart burn, shortness of breath
  • constipation/ diarrhea
  • difficult digestion/ excessive gas production
  • difficulty sleeping & anxiety
  • fatigue
  • gradient pressure changes resulting in issues such as hernia (hiatal & otherwise), pelvic prolapse, blood pressure issues, hemorrhoids, etc.
  • hand & foot numbness
  • edema/ swelling/ drainage & skin-related issues
  • proper alignment of all body tissues can help: promote proper blood flow as well as lymphatic and venous drainage (reducing the odds of developing painful varicose veins), it can help ease the process of delivery, minimize trauma to the body (ideally reducing tearing) and promote healing and optimal alignment post-partum
  • breast tenderness during pregnancy & post-partum (including issues related to mastitis)
  • breast feeding related issues (see also Newborns & Infants section)

*please note: osteopathy does not treat nor cure conditions or diseases, but can help to correct potential mechanical dysfunction/ misalignment that could be causal or contributive to certain conditions


older adults & seniors

Every stage of life has it’s potential challenges, and as we enter into later adulthood this is no different! We may often think, or have heard others say: “… it’s just because I am getting older…”, and truly believe we have no control over this process, but this often may not be the case! Much can still be done to promote optimal vitality, encourage better health, and help the constitution of patients well into the later years of life. Many aches and pains can be reduced (if not eliminated), a more satisfying quality of life can be achieved, and overall better function can be attained. Osteopathy may often help older adults & seniors with a wide range of concerns including (but not limited to)…

more on osteopathy for older adults & seniors >

  • recent or chronic injuries (and associated pain)
  • general & chronic body pain (including from osteoarthritis)
  • sciatic pain/ sciatica, disc bulges/ herniations
  • sore joints, stiffness & restricted/ limited range of motion
  • help in preparing the body for joint repair/ replacement surgeries as well as promotion of better healing and rehabilitation after surgery
  • chronic postural patterns & related dysfunction
  • digestive issues
  • general mobility, balance & coordination issues
  • some neurodegenerative issues
  • gradient pressure changes resulting in issues such as hernia (hiatal & otherwise), pelvic prolapse, hemorrhoids, etc.
  • chronic drainage, circulation & skin-related issues
  • issues related to tinnitus
  • breathing & sinus issues
  • palliative care & other considerations

*please note: osteopathy does not treat nor cure conditions or diseases, but can help to correct potential mechanical dysfunction/ misalignment that could be causal or contributive to certain conditions


sports related & acute injury

Every stage of life has it’s potential challenges, and as we enter into later adulthood this is no different! We may often think, or have heard others say: “… it’s just because I am getting older…”, and truly believe we have no control over this process, but this often may not be the case! Much can still be done to promote optimal vitality, encourage better health, and help the constitution of patients well into the later years of life. Many aches and pains can be reduced (if not eliminated), a more satisfying quality of life can be achieved, and overall better function can be attained. Osteopathy may often help older adults & seniors with a wide range of concerns including (but not limited to)…

  • recent or chronic injuries (and associated pain)
  • general & chronic body pain
  • sciatic pain/ sciatica, disc bulges/ herniations
  • issues arising from whiplash/ concussion injuries (ie. pain, stiffness, 'brain fog', sound/ light sensitivity, vision/ tinnitus concerns, headache, dizziness/ vertigo, difficulty with concentration/ focus, memory issues, chronic nausea, etc.)
  • sore joints, stiffness & restricted/ limited range of motion
  • repetitive strain injuries, chronic (typically unilateral) postural patterns & associated inflammation (ie. tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, osgood-schlatter, plantar fasciitis, etc.)
  • helping to create more functional, reasonable patterns of compensation without jeopardizing efficiency important for high level athletes & trades
  • help in preparing the body for injury repair/ tissue tear surgeries as well as promotion of better healing and rehabilitation after surgery
  • general mobility, balance & coordination issues
  • gradient pressure changes resulting in issues such as hernia (hiatal & otherwise), pelvic prolapse, hemorrhoids, etc.

*please note: osteopathy does not treat nor cure conditions or diseases, but can help to correct potential mechanical dysfunction/ misalignment that could be causal or contributive to certain conditions

treatment & what to expect

osteopathic assessment & treatment

Osteopathic treatment is generally very gentle - some patients have noted similarity in approaches to modalities such as massage therapy (soft tissue preparation), physiotherapy (testing of, and movement of joint structures) as well as chiropractic therapy (osteopathic practitioners employ a gentle form of joint articulation when appropriate. HVLA - high velocity, low amplitude thrust - as it is used by chiropractors, is never used in osteopathic treatment). What makes osteopathic treatment unique is the understanding of the interrelationship of structure and function throughout the body, and why it is important to understand that issues may arise from injury and/or compensation in areas distal (far away from, seemingly unrelated) to where the body is expressing discomfort. To provide an example - a patient may come into the clinic with a knee that has been acutely painful for a number of weeks/ months. The osteopathic practitioner will of course assess the entire body and might determine the issue is really due to a compensation pattern involving the opposite hip, or shoulder, or the low back, or the opposite ankle/ foot, and barely pay any focus on the ‘knee’ that brought the patient in. It is not always what is expressing discomfort that is ultimately at the root cause of the issue, and the understanding of the interrelationship is what is important in osteopathic assessment and treatment.

What you can expect with your first appointment is an initial detailed interview with focus on your health history and an account of current health issues that are of concern to you. This is followed with a physical assessment and very low-dose treatment of any potential dysfunctions you might have through gentle manipulation of your structure. Dependent upon what is found, the osteopathic practitioner will work with the patient to devise the correct dosage of treatment for you – with the goal of stabilizing and bringing about a state of optimal health for your body. This may eventually include osteopathic investigation into behaviours that may be contributing to chronic patterns of dysfunction, as well as discussion on how to employ behavioural modifications to help in the process of more successful correction. As patients will tend to realize and then acknowledge their participation in creation or perpetuation of their health concerns (particularly when this is brought to their attention!), they must also be included in being a part of the solution! This understanding and communication is instrumental in reaching health goals quickly, and preventing issues from recurring. Please Note: loose, comfortable clothing should be worn for your appointment (no dresses or skirts please). You will not be asked to disrobe at any time.

Appointments may be paid in cash/ cheque, debit or credit card. Patients may request invoices submissible to their insurance for reimbursement. Please Note: patients must provide a minimum of 24-hours notice prior to cancelling/ rescheduling an appointment - cancellation/ rescheduling of an appointment within the 24-hour period prior to an appointment will require payment equivalent to that of the scheduled appointment amount. Thank you for your consideration and diligence in this matter.

“Health holds dominion over the body by laws as immutable as the laws of gravity.”

— A.T. Still, philosophy of osteopathy